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Chelsea is a creative production company with offices in New York, Los Angeles and London. We've cultivated a unique and diverse culture comprised of some of the most influential filmmakers from the worlds of advertising, film, tv, and photography.

Creative Production Company






Goh Iromoto

Goh focuses on film and cinematography that emphasizes empathy to tell human stories. Born to journalist parents who founded a Japanese Canadian newspaper company, Goh spent his childhood traveling and cultivating his sense of curiosity.

He studied Human Geography which further deepened his understanding and awareness of the diverse intricacies and nuances of human connection. In everything he does, Goh strives to showcase the unique stories built into cultures that tie us all together, be it “The Name'' for P&G, which humanized the travails of fitting in, or the breakout campaign for Farmers Dog that landed Goh’s work as the highest rated commercial of Super Bowl 2023.
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